Our Services

Our treatments are the latest advancement in psychiatric care. We aim to introduce these treatments where appropriate to qualified candidates.


IV Ketamine infusions are an effective modality for treating patients with difficult to treat depression, anxiety or trauma.


TMS is a safe and effective treatment that uses magnetic pulses to stimulate different areas of the brain. It is FDA approved and non-invasive.


Ketamine nasal spray for depression therapy is a new, innovative path to breakthrough resistant depression.


Depression can negatively affect your daily life and can eventually become a debilitating disorder.


When anxiety symptoms are severe, debilitating, and are not resolving, this can be viewed as a signal that an anxiety disorder is present.

Mood Disorders

When a sense of sadness and hopelessness doesn’t dissipate, and can begin to affect how you think, how you feel, and how you act.

Psychotic Disorders

Psychotic disorders can include odd behavior, thinking, emotions, perceptions, hearing voices, or viewing things that are not there.

Webinars & Articles

We regularly publish articles, webinars and video commentaries to our blog. Browse our calendar of online webinars and events below.

The Way You Feel Matters

When Should You Seek Treatment?

Depression is a Crisis of Spirit

Our Practice

Santa Monica

222 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica CA, 90404


11000 N. Scottsdale Rd Ste 230, Scottsdale AZ 85254

Make an Appointment

Open Hours

Monday – Friday: 9am – 6pm